This is from the archives of Nick Francis Stephens' blog Reflections.
“But Lot’s wife looked back”At the moment we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ our whole present reality shifts from one of immobility to a life of wide open spaces. Freedom instantly becomes the platform for our everyday lives, complete unbridled freedom!
So why is it that so many who declare to have this new life still find themselves immobilized, powerless and still suffering from a lack of movement or un-movement? The problem is that we have not yet found the determination to leave the old life behind.
We will not find ourselves able to step into a new future until we are first able to let go of our past and the things we hold to be deceptively beautiful. Like Lot’s wife our cravings continue to drive us toward our sinful life. We yearn for the distractions and escape that we once had. But if we continue to neglect our pre-conditioned responses to those memories, we will always walk away with the product which they intend.
A lie, keeping you from a fulfilling life of intimacy, destiny and meaning!
What do you need to let go of? A need for validation, permission, abandonment, rejection, and criticism? The escapades of glory, consumerism, pride, or lust? Go ahead, stop looking back, a whole new world of faith, love and hope waits for you if you can only walk in that direction and stop looking back.
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